HTML (Property) In french: HTML
The HTML property is used to: - find out whether the current report is printed in HTML mode. Therefore, some controls not required when printing in HTML mode can be made invisible (page number for example).
- manage the HTML type of a Static control found in a report.
Remarks: - The print in HTML mode is performed by iDestination.
- The HTML property cannot be used in the opening code of the report. This property can be used in all the other codes of the report and report controls or blocks (initialization code of a block for example).
// -- Initialization code of end of document // If the current report is printed in HTML mode // The page number is not printed. // The page number is associated with the GR_GROUP1 group of controls IF RPT_Report2.HTML = True THEN GR_GROUP1.Visible = False
Finding out whether the current report is printed in HTML mode Hide the details
<Result> = <Report name>.HTML
<Result>: Boolean - True if the report is printed in HTML mode,
- False otherwise.
<Report name>: Character string Name of the report to be used.
Finding out whether the Static control is in HTML format Hide the details
<Result> = <Control name>.HTML
<Result>: Boolean - True if the Static control is in HTML format,
- False otherwise.
<Control name>: Character string Name of the Static control to be used.
Modifying the HTML type of a Static control Hide the details
<Control name>.HTML = <New type>
<Control name>: Character string Name of the Static control to be used. <New type>: Boolean - True if the Static control must be in HTML format,
- False otherwise.
Remarks - The HTML property cannot be used in the opening code of the report.
- The HTML property applies only to:
- reports.
- Static controls in reports.
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