Help / WLanguage / WLanguage properties / Properties associated with windows, pages and controls
  • Planes and windows
  • Planes and internal windows
  • Planes and Cell control
  • Planes and internal reports
  • Limitations
WindowsLinuxUniversal Windows 10 AppJavaReports and QueriesUser code (UMC)
WindowsLinuxPHPWEBDEV - Browser code
AndroidAndroid Widget iPhone/iPadIOS WidgetApple WatchMac CatalystUniversal Windows 10 App
Stored procedures
The Plane property is used to:
  • Get the active plane of a window (or report) or the plane to which a control belongs.
  • Change the active plane of a window (or report) or associate a control with another plane.
  • A plane is a "layer":
    • of a window,
    • of a report.
    Several planes cannot be viewed at the same time (in the window editor, page editor, report editor, or in your applications).
  • In a window or report, each control can:
    • belong to no plane. This control will always be displayed, regardless of the current plane.
    • belong to a plane. This control will be displayed when the corresponding plane is visible.
    • belong to several planes. This control will be displayed when one of the planes associated with the control is active (i.e. visible).
  • The planes in the reports are mainly used to replace substitution blocks: simply position the controls on several planes and activate the desired plane when printing.
WINDEVUniversal Windows 10 AppJava
// Change the active plane
WIN_EditWindow.Plane = 2

Get the active plane of a window (or report) or the plane to which a control belongs Hide the details

<Plane number> = <Element used>.Plane
<Plane number>: Integer or character string
  • Number of the active plane in the specified window.
  • Number of the active plane in the specified report.
  • Number of the plane to which the specified control belongs.
  • Numbers of the planes (separated by a comma) to which the control belongs.
<Element used>: Name of control, window or report
Name of the element to be used:
  • Control name.
  • Name of the window.
  • Report name.

Changing the active plane of a window (or report) or associating a control with another plane Hide the details

<Element used>.Plane = <New plane>
<Element used>: Name of control, window or report
Name of the element to be used:
  • Control name.
  • Name of the window.
  • Report name.
<New plane>: Integer or character string
  • Number of the plane to activate. If this number is greater than the number of existing planes, only the controls that are not assigned to a plane will be displayed.
  • Number of the plane associated with the specified control. If this number does not correspond to the current plane, the control will not be displayed.
  • Numbers of the planes associated with the control. These numbers are in a comma-separated string.
  • WINDEV Name of the plane to activate (for windows only). The plane name is defined in the plane management window in the window editor.
WINDEVUniversal Windows 10 AppJava

Planes and windows

  • If a control is assigned to no plane (<None> selected in the description window), this control will always be displayed, regardless of the active plane in the window or report.
  • If a control is assigned to a plane, this control will be displayed only if it belongs to the active plane in the window or report.
  • If a control is assigned to several planes, it will be displayed when each of these planes is active (i.e. visible).
  • When a window or report is opened, the active plane is 0.

Planes and internal windows

The Plane property can be used:
  • directly on the internal window. In this case, this property applies to the controls of the internal window.
    For example, to display plane 2 of the internal window from the host window or directly in the internal window, use the following line of code:
    <Name of internal window>.Plane = 2
  • directly on the window that hosts the Internal Window control. In this case, the property will only apply to the controls in the host window (including the Internal Window control if it is associated with a plane). The content of the internal window will not be modified. The following line of code should be used:
    <Window name>.Plane = 2
The ActivePlane property can also be used. The same behavior applies.

Planes and Cell control

The Plane property can be used on Cell controls. In this case, it gets and sets the plane to which the Cell control belongs, relative to its parent (window or internal window).
For example, the following line of code displays the Cell control on plane 2 of the window:
<Cell control name>.Plane = 2
To get and set the active plane of the Cell control, use the ActivePlane property.
For example, the following line of code displays plane 2 of the Cell control:
<Cell control name>.ActivePlane = 2

Planes and internal reports

The Plane property can be used:
  • directly on the internal report. In this case, this property applies to the controls of the internal report.
    For example, to display plane 2 of the internal report from the host report or directly in the internal report, use the following line of code:
    <Name of internal report>.Plane = 2
  • directly on the window that hosts the Internal Report control. In this case, the property will only apply to the controls in the host report (including the Internal Report control if it is associated with a plane). The content of the internal report will not be modified. The following line of code should be used:
    <Report name>.Plane = 2


The Plane property cannot be used on:
  • an option in a Check Box or Radio Button control,
  • a row in a Table, List Box or Combo Box control,
  • a cell in a Table control,
  • a column in a Table control,
  • a window menu,
  • a tab pane,
  • a group of controls,
Java The Plane property can only be used with the following elements:
  • Button control.
  • Static control.
  • Edit control.
  • Image control.
  • Check Box control.
  • Radio Button control.
  • List Box control.
  • Combo Box control.
  • TreeView control.
  • Tab control.
  • Window control.
  • Table control.
  • Supercontrol control.
Universal Windows 10 App The Plane property is not available for reports.
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Os planes normalmente se usa uma quantidade limitada no máximo 3 onde pode por na plane 1 o table grid, na plane 2 os campos do formulário e na plane 3 o select view.

Lembro que a janela só vai abrir se todo o oconteudo for carregado na memória, deve ser usado com extrema prudência.

A limited number of planes are normally used, at most 3, where you can put the table grid on plane 1, the form fields on plane 2 and the select view on plane 3.

Remember that the window will only open if all the content is loaded into memory, it must be used with extreme caution.
15 Mar. 2024

Last update: 02/06/2024

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