Calling a procedure/a function In french: Appeler une procédure/une fonction
The method for calling a procedure is the same, no matter whether it is a global procedure or a local procedure. Reminder: - In WLanguage, there is no distinction between the procedures and the functions. The syntaxes for declaring and using procedures also apply to functions.
- For a multi-syntax procedure, the call to the proper syntax is resolved at runtime. For more details, see Prototype overload.
IF Trouve(Client, NumCli, Numéro) THEN
Info("Numéro de client trouvé")
Info("Numéro de client inexistant")
Calling a procedure that returns a parameter Hide the details
[<Returned value> = ] <Procedure name>([<Parameters>])
<Returned value>: Value returned by the procedure (optional), only if the procedure returns a result.The type of the return value of a procedure can be specified during its declaration. For more details, see Registering an Procedure. <Procedure name>: Name of the procedure to call. <Parameters>: Parameters passed to the procedure. Each parameter is separated by a comma.
Calling a procedure that returns several parameters Hide the details
(<Value 1>, ..., <Value N>) = <Procedure name>([<Parameters>])
<Value 1 to N>: Values returned by the procedure.The type of the return values of a procedure can be specified during its declaration. For more details, see Registering an Procedure. <Procedure name>: Name of the procedure to call. <Parameters>: Parameters passed to the procedure. Each parameter is separated by a comma. Remarks Special cases - To make your programs more readable, the PROCEDURE keyword can be replaced with the FUNCTION keyword.
- If the procedure expects no parameter, you can also use the following syntax:
[<Valeur retournée> = ] <Nom de la procédure> - To run a procedure of an opened window, use ExecuteProcess. Example:
NomFen is string = "FEN_MaFenêtre"
ExecuteProcess(NomFen + ".MaProc", trtProcédure)
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