grPIImage (Function) In french: grPPCImage Defines the image used to illustrate data in a "Percentage imaged" graph. Note All image formats are supported, but we recommend using a vector format. ImageGraphe is Image = "rocket.png"
grDeleteSeries(GRF_Percentage, 1)
nSum is an integer
nValue is an integer = COL_Data
nSum += nValue
grAddData(GRF_Percentage, 1, nValue)
grPIVMaximumValue(GRF_Percentage, nSum)
grPPCImage(GRF_Percentage, ImageGraph)
grPPCImage(<Chart> , <Image> [, <Opacity>])
<Chart>: Control name or character string Name of the chart to be used. This name corresponds to:- the name of the chart defined programmatically with grCreate.
- the name of the Chart control in the window or page editor.
<Image>: Character string or Image variable Category image. This image can correspond to: - a memo section,
- the path of an image file (or just its name if the image is present in the executable directory),
- an image field name containing an image.
- a variable of type Image.
<Opacity>: Optional integer image opacity not included in percentages. This parameter ranges from 0 (transparent image, default) to 100 (visible image). This parameter is only taken into account for the last part of the graph, if the sum of the values used in the graph does not correspond to 100%. Business / UI classification: UI Code
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