- WLanguage properties for use with type hHistoryPlanning
- Functions manipulating variables of type hHistoryPlanning
hHistoryPlanning (Variable type) In french: hSchedulingHistory
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The type hHistoryPlanning allows you to view all the characteristics of a task's execution history. These characteristics can be identified using various WLanguage properties. Note: For more details on the declaration of this type of variable and the use of WLanguage properties, see Declaring a variable. myHistory is TO hHistoryPlanning
Properties WLanguage properties for use with type hHistoryPlanning The following properties can be used to manipulate a variable of type hHistoryPlanning: | | | Property name | Type used | Effect |
StartDate | DateTime | Start date and time of planning execution. This property is read-only. | EndDate | DateTime | End date and time of planning execution. This property is read-only. | Error | Character string | Error encountered (if property Status property corresponds to the constant hExecPlanningError). | Identifier | entier | Job identifier. This property is read-only. | LaunchManual | Boolean | - True if execution of the scheduled task has been started manually (i.e. via a WLanguage function or via the HFSQL Control Center),
- False otherwise.
This property is read-only. | Status | entier | Status of task scheduler execution: - hExecPlanningCancelled The execution of the scheduled task has been cancelled.
- hExecPlanningInProgress The scheduled task is currently running.
- hExecPlanningError Scheduled task execution is in error.
- hExecPlanningTerminated The execution of the scheduled task has been completed.
This property is read-only. | Type | entier | Type of scheduled task executed: - hlpOptimization Data file optimization.
- hlpCompleteBackup Complete backup.
- hlpDifferentialBackup: Differential Backups.
- hlpTask Planned task.
- hlpMaterializedView Refresh a materialized view.
This property is read-only. | User | Character string | - If run automatically, user who created task.
- If executed manually, user who performed the task.
This property is read-only. |
Remarks Functions manipulating variables of type hHistoryPlanning The following functions can be used to manipulate variables of type hHistoryPlanning:
| | | Lists the execution history of a scheduled item on an HFSQL server: scheduled task (stored procedure), backup, optimization, refresh of a materialized view). | | Deletes the execution history of a scheduled item on an HFSQL server: scheduled task (stored procedure), backup, optimization, refresh of a materialized view.). |
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