<Unicode string>.RegexSearch (Function) In french: <Chaîne Unicode>.RegexCherche Searches for all the parts of a string that match a specific format. Note: The grammar used for regular expressions is ECMAScript. New in version 2025
sChaîne is string = "La commande sera livrée entre le 28/08/2024 et le 02/09/2024."
nTrouvée is int = 0
tabDate is array of string
tabJours is array of string
tabMois is array of string
tabAnnées is array of string
TXT_Résultat is string
nTrouvée = sChaîne.RegexCherche("([0-9]{1,2})/([0-9]{1,2})/([0-9]{4})", tabDate, tabJours, tabMois, tabAnnées)
FOR i = 1 TO nTrouvée
TXT_Résultat += StringBuild("Date: %1 | Jours: %2 | Mois: %3 | Années: %4", ...
tabDate[i], tabJours[i], tabMois[i], tabAnnées[i])
TXT_Résultat += CR
<Result> = <Source string>.RegexSearch(<Format> , <Strings found> ... [, <Strings found N>])
<Result>: Integer Number of strings found. <Source string>: Unicode string variable String in which the search will be performed. <Format>: Character string Regular expression that indicates the format of the part of the string to search for in <Source string>. <Strings found>: Array of strings Name of the Array of strings variable that will contain the different substrings in <Source string>. <Strings found N>: Optional array of strings Name of the Array of strings variable that will contain the different substrings in <Source string>. Business / UI classification: Neutral code
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