<Code Editor>.Replace (Function) In french: <Editeur de code>.Remplace
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Finds and replaces a string in the Code Editor control. New in version 2025
CODEEDT_NoName1.Replace("Info", "Trace", WholeWord)
sCode is string = [
sFile is string
CODEEDT_Example.Insert(1, sCode)
arrFind is array of int
IF arrFind.Count > 0 THEN
Info("'info' was found and will be replaced with 'error'.")
CODEEDT_Example.Replace("info", "error")
<Code Editor control>.Replace(<Text to find> , <New text> [, <Options>])
<Code Editor control>: Control name Name of the Code Editor control to be used. <Text to find>: Character string Text to find. <New text>: Character string Replacement text. <Options>: Optional Integer constant Search options for the word to be replaced:
| | IgnoreCase | Case and accent insensitive search (ignores uppercase and lowercase differences). | WholeWord | Whole word search (enclosed in punctuation characters or spaces). |
By default, search is case-sensitive. Business / UI classification: UI Code
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