DriveListFile (Function) In french: DriveListeFichier
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Lists the files in a cloud-based drive directory. Note: Google Drive-specific files (Sheets, Docs, etc.) are not listed. oOAuth2Param is OAuth2Parameters
oOAuth2Param.ClientID = "client_id"
oOAuth2Param.ClientSecret = "client_secret"
oOAuth2Param.RedirectionURL = "http://localhost:9000/"
oDrive is Drive
oDrive = oDriveConnect(oOAuth2Param)
AFile, ResListFile are strings
ResListFile = DriveListFile(oDrive, "/MyPhotos/", frNotRecursive)
TableAdd(TABLE_FileTable, AFile)
<Result> = DriveListFile(<Drive> , <Start path> [, <Options>])
<Result>: Character string List of files on the specified drive, at the specified location. - If the fdFullInformation is not specified, this list is of the form:
<Name of file 1> + CR + ... + <Name of file N> New in version 2025If the fdFullInformation constant is specified, this list is of the form: <Name of file 1> + TAB + <Path of file 1> + TAB + <Size (bytes) of file 1> + TAB + <Date modified 1> + CR + ... + <Name of file N> + TAB + <Path of file N> + TAB + <Size (bytes) of file N> + TAB + <Date modified N>
<Drive>: Drive variable Name of the Drive or gglDrive variable that corresponds to the drive to be used. The connection to the drive must have been previously established. Otherwise, files will not be listed. <Start path>: Character string Drive path from which files are to be listed. This must be an absolute path: - Directory names must be separated by '/' or '\'.
- Directory names must start with '/' or '\'.
If the path is invalid, an error will be generated. <Options>: Optional Integer constant (or combination of constants) Type of iteration:
| | New in version 2025fdFullInformation | Provides detailed information on the files hosted on the drive. This constant must be used with the frNotRecursive or frRecursiveconstants. | frNotRecursive | The iteration is non-recursive. Subdirectories are ignored. | frRecursive (Default value) | The iteration is recursive. Subdirectories are automatically taken into account. |
Remarks <Start path> parameter Examples of valid paths: "/holidays directory/2021/" "\photos" Examples of invalid paths: "directoryA/DirectoryB" "This/Path/Is/invalid" "c:\Users\"
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Business / UI classification: Business Logic
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