RoundToMultiple (Function) In french: ArrondiAuMultiple Returns a numeric value rounded to the nearest multiple of another numeric value. New in version 2025RoundToMultiple(10, 9)
RoundToMultiple(-10, -3)
RoundToMultiple(1.3, 0.2)
RoundToMultiple(2.64, 0.25)
<Result> = RoundToMultiple(<Numeric value> , <Significance>)
<Result>: Variant Value of <Numeric value> rounded to the nearest multiple of <Significance>. <Numeric value>: Numeric Numeric value to round. <Significance>: Numeric Value for which the nearest multiple is to be calculated. Remarks Rounding with the "Real" type is not accurate. Operations with the "Real" type are not precise because of the computer representation of real numbers. To get an exact rounding, it is recommended to use the Currency or Numeric types, which use an exact representation in memory. For more details, see Real type.
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