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  • Exporting the query content
  • Exporting a single record
  • Array items
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Stored procedures
HExportJSONString (Function)
In french: HExporteChaîneJSON
ODBCNative Connectors (Native Accesses)Not available with these kinds of connection
Exports the records from a data file (HFSQL or OLE DB), view or query to a JSON string.
// Export all customers
sString is string
sString = HExportJSONString(CUSTOMER)
<Result> = HExportJSONString(<File> [, <Items to export>] [, <Options> [, <Progress Bar>]])
<Result>: Character string
JSON string.
<File>: Character string
Name of data file, view or query used.
<Items to export>: Optional character string
List of names of items to export. The names are delimited by single quotes and they are separated by commas or CR characters. The names of composite key items, binary items and binary memo items are ignored.
If this parameter is an empty string (""), all of the data file items are exported (except composite key, binary, binary memo, and password items).
<Options>: Optional Integer constant
Specifies the creation mode of JSON file:
hExpBreakableThe export can be interrupted by pressing Esc.
If the export is interrupted, the JSON string is valid and contains only the records exported before the interruption.
(default value)
Standard operating mode.
<Progress Bar>: Optional control name or window name
Name of the Progress Bar control or window that displays the progress of the JSON string creation.

Exporting the query content

To export the query content, you must initialize the query (HExecuteQuery) before using HExportJSONString.

Exporting a single record

To export a single record to a JSON string, use HRecordToJSON.

Array items

If one of the exported items is an Array item, each element of the array item is exported in a new level:
"Item1":Data of item 1,
"Item2":Data of item 2,
[Data element 1, Data element 2, ...]

Reminder: Composite key, binary, binary memo and password items are ignored.
Business / UI classification: Business Logic
Component: wd270hf.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 27
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Last update: 05/26/2022

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