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Help / Editors / Report editor / Data sources
  • Overview
  • Characteristics of the report based on an Organizer control
  • Creating a report based on an Organizer control from the report editor
  • Creating a report based on an Organizer control from the report editor
  • Printing a report based on an Organizer control
  • Printing a report based on an Organizer control
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Report based on an Organizer control
A report based on an Organizer control is used to directly print the information displayed in an Organizer control found:
  • in a window or page of the application. This window or page must be displayed when printing the report.
  • in an internal window or an internal page:
    • The window displaying the internal window must be displayed.
    • The page displaying the internal page must be displayed.
Reports & Queries cannot be used to create reports on an Organizer control. However, it is possible to customize reports on an Organizer control created in the built-in report editor (color, font, size, etc.).
Remark: Only an Organizer control state can be created..
Characteristics of the report based on an Organizer control
All the rows and columns found in the Organizer control are displayed in the Organizer report.
When creating the report, you can specify the number of days to display and the display mode of resources (in rows or columns).
A report based on an Organizer control can be created from the report editor: to do so, select an Organizer report based on an Organizer control.
Once the report based on the Organizer control is created, you can:
  • change the data source of the report ("Data" tab in the report description).
  • modify the characteristics of the organizer ("General" tab of the organizer description).
Caution: It is not possible to test a report on an Organizer control directly from the report editor, as the window or page containing the Organizer control must be open.. To run the test of a report based on an Organizer control, you must:
  • create (if necessary) a button in the window or in the page of the Organizer control. This button can be used to print the report with the data from the Organizer control (iPrintReport).
    Internal windows or pages: If the Organizer control is present in an internal window or page, it is advisable to create the button in the internal window/page and not in the host window/page.
  • run the test of the window containing the Organizer control then run the report test (via the button).
    Case of internal windows: the test must be run from the window that hosts the internal window.
  • run the test of the page containing the Organizer control then run the report test (via the button).
    For internal pages: the test must be run from the page hosting the internal page.
Creating a report based on an Organizer control from the report editor
The report editor allows you to create an Organizer report based on an Organizer control.
Once the report is created, the print must be programmed in WLanguage. For more details, see "Printing a report based on an Organizer control".

Creating a report based on an Organizer control from the report editor

To create a report based on an Organizer control from the report editor:
  1. Click in the quick access buttons.
    • The window for creating a new element is displayed: click "Report" then "Report".
    • The report creation wizard starts.
  2. Choose an "Organizer or Scheduler" report.
  3. Select "Organizer report" and enter the characteristics of the report:
    • Display mode,
    • Number of days to display,
    • Granularity of gridlines.
      For more details on these options, see Organizer report.
  4. Select the data source of the report ("From an Organizer control").
  5. Select the Organizer control on which the report will be based. Only the Organizer controls found in the windows or pages of the current project are proposed.
    Note: If the selected control does not have the same characteristics as the report, the report editor suggests modifying the report display.
  6. Specify the format of sheet on which the report will be printed. The report is printed in A4 format by default.
  7. Type the name and title of the report (name of ".WDE" file corresponding to the report). This name will be used to identify the report in your programs.
  8. Validate the report creation.
  9. Specify (if necessary) the mode for reducing the report size:
    • Print the report on several pages. In this case, the end user will have to group the pages. For more details, see Multi-page print.
    • Use the landscape mode.
    • Reduce the report size. Please note: depending on the reduction percentage selected, the printed report may become illegible..
  10. The report currently created is displayed in the report editor.
Printing a report based on an Organizer control

Printing a report based on an Organizer control

A report based on an Organizer control must be printed from the window (or from the page) displaying the Organizer control to print. To do so:
  1. Create a button in the window (or page) containing the Organizer control.
  2. Configure the report print destination:
  3. Specify the name of the report to print with iPrintReport.
  • If additional parameters must be passed to the report, these parameters must be specified in iPrintReport, after the name of the report to print. For more details, see Report with parameters.
In Reports & Queries software, you can print a report:
  • by starting a print job ().
  • by testing the report ().
Therefore, no programming is required to print the report.
Minimum version required
  • Version 17
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Last update: 09/30/2024

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