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Help / Editors / Report editor / Operations in the editor
  • Overview
  • How to?
  • Creating the editable report
  • Edit control in a form
  • Characteristics of edit controls
  • Edit control events in a report
  • Interactive Check Box control in a form
  • Characteristics of Check Box controls
  • Check Box control events in a report
  • Combo Box control in a form
  • Characteristics of Combo Box controls
  • Edit control events in a report
  • Input in the report viewer
  • Input in a PDF file
  • Input in a report based on a PDF form
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Stored procedures
State "form with input": input in a PDF form
The report editor can be used to create form reports, which include different controls allowing users to enter data:
  • Edit controls.
  • Interactive Check Box controls.
  • Combo Box controls.
You can also integrate a Link control into these forms to let the user quickly access a page on a site, for example.
These form reports can be generated as PDF files.
This enables you to distribute reports, if necessary in PDF format, which can be entered directly by the user in the specified fields: administrative forms (tax returns, miscellaneous declarations, vehicle registration documents, etc.).
The data can be printed or stored in a database (when the data is entered from the report viewer). Then, the report becomes an entry form.
Edit, Check Box and Combo Box controls can be used on all types of reports. Generally, these types of controls are used in Form reports that use a PDF file in the background of the report.
How to?

Creating the editable report

To create an editable report:
  1. Create a report according to your requirements (for more details, see Creating a report).
  2. Create the desired controls where you want to allow users to enter data:
    • Edit controls: under the "Creation" pane, in the "Interactions" group, click on "Edit"..
    • Check Box control fields: under "Creation", in the "Interactions" group, click on "Check Box"..
    • Combo Box control: under the "Creation" pane, in the "Interactions" group, click on "Combo Box"..
  3. Save the report.
  4. The user will be able to directly enter data in the edit controls before printing. Input in the different controls is available:
    • in the report viewer.
    • in the reports printed to PDF.
Note: Link controls can also be integrated into the report: under the "Creation" pane, in the "Interactions" group, click on "Link".. These links can be used:
  • in the report viewer.
  • in the reports printed to PDF.
Edit control in a form

Characteristics of edit controls

When creating an edit control in a report, you have the ability to define:
  • the type of the control (text, numeric, date, time),
  • the associated mask: the available masks are the ones supported by the PDF format. They are available for the numerics, the dates and the times.
  • the input size, which means the maximum number of characters allowed in the control. If this parameter is set to 0, there is no limit.
  • the horizontal alignment,
  • whether there is a border around the input area.
  • the initial value,
  • the style of caption and input area.
  • Multiline edit control: if the users enter more lines than what is visible, the non-visible lines will not be printed. During the input, the edit controls manage a vertical scrollbar.
  • Style of input area: in this version, only the "Arial" font can be used.
  • The edit control is not bound to a data file item, query or variable. To display information coming form a data file, a query or a variable, the control must be assigned programmatically.
  • The frame of the input area cannot be configured (thickness, color, etc.). You only have the ability to make it visible or invisible.
  • No currency type can be used (the Euro symbol is not supported).
  • It is not possible to make calculations between the different input fields.

Edit control events in a report

The following events are associated with edit controls in a report:
EventRuntime condition
InitializationExecuted when the report is opened.
Before printingExecuted before the control is printed.
EntryExecuted when the input cursor enters the control.
ExitExecuted when moving from one control to another (TAB key, selecting another control with the mouse, etc.).
ModificationExecuted whenever the content of the control is modified (entering or deleting a character, for example).
Interactive Check Box control in a form

Characteristics of Check Box controls

When creating a Check Box control control in a report, you can define:
  • the type of control, interactive or not. If the control is interactive, the end user will be able select and clear the Check Box control,
  • style: background color, background image, switch color.
Remark: The Check Box control is not bound to an item from a data file or query, or to a variable. To display information coming form a data file, a query or a variable, the control must be assigned programmatically.

Check Box control events in a report

The following events are associated with Check Box controls in a report:
EventRuntime condition
InitializationExecuted when the report is opened.
Before printingExecuted before the control is printed.
EntryExecuted when the control gains focus.
ExitExecuted when moving from one control to another (TAB key, selecting another control with the mouse, etc.).
Whenever modifiedExecuted whenever the content of the control is modified (selecting or deselecting an option for example).
Combo Box control in a form

Characteristics of Combo Box controls

When creating a Combo Box control control in a report, you can define:
  • field type: combo with or without input,
  • for editable Combo Box controls:
    • the type of input,
    • the associated mask: the available masks are the ones supported by the PDF format. They are available for the numerics, the dates and the times.
    • the input size, which means the maximum number of characters allowed in the control. If this parameter is set to 0, there is no limit.
    • the style of the input area (font, background color)
  • the style (background color, text).
  • Style of input area: in this version, only the "Arial" font can be used.
  • The Combo Box control is not bound to an item from a data file or query, or to a variable. To display information coming form a data file, a query or a variable, the control must be assigned programmatically.

Edit control events in a report

The following events are associated with edit controls in a report:
EventRuntime condition
InitializationExecuted when the report is opened.
Before printingExecuted before the control is printed.
EntryExecuted when the input cursor enters the control.
ExitExecuted when moving from one control to another (TAB key, selecting another control with the mouse, etc.).
ModificationExecuted whenever the content of the control is modified (entering or deleting a character, for example).
Input in the report viewer
WINDEVReports and QueriesWindows When a report is displayed in the report viewer, its Edit, Check Box and Combo Box controls are enabled.
In this case, the user will be able to enter the desired information and print the report to one of the available formats. A message is displayed in the report viewer to inform the user of the ability to enter information.
By default, the user can browse the edit control by using the TAB key: it browses the available controls from top to bottom and left to right.
  • The events associated with Edit, Check Box and Combo Box controls are executed when the controls are handled in the report viewer.
  • The data coming from the database can be displayed programmatically. Simply link the report to a data file or query and assign the desired item to the control in the "Before printing" event.
  • The data modified by the user in the report viewer can be saved programmatically. Let's take a simple example, the modification of a record displayed in the report. In each control with a value to be modified, you must:
    • assign the entered value to the item,
    • modify the record.
    This can be done in the "Exit" event.
    For example, to modify the customer name, the corresponding code is as follows:
    Customer.Name = EDT_Name
Input in a PDF file
When a report is printed to a PDF file, the Edit, Check Box and Combo Box controls are enable. In this case, the user will be able to enter data in the different controls and print the PDF file with the entered and/or selected values.
  • Edit, Check Box and Combo Box controls allow entering data in the PDF file. This information will be taken into account to print the document. If the end user owns a full version of Adobe Acrobat, the data entered can be saved in PDF format (Acrobat Reader cannot be used to save the PDF files).
  • The data coming from the database can be displayed programmatically. Simply link the report to a data file or query and assign the desired item to the control in the "Initialization" or "Before printing" events.
Input in a report based on a PDF form
Edit, Check Box and Combo Box controls are well suited for Form reports. Form reports are based on an image or PDF file.
For a PDF form containing several pages, you have the ability to create a report displaying the different pages of the PDF file ("Print all the pages found in the PDF" option in the "Background" tab of the report description).
These pages are visible and modifiable in the report editor: you can position the various controls on any page of the report.
For more details, see Reports on form.
Minimum version required
  • Version 12
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Last update: 02/12/2025

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