RegexMatch (Function) In french: RegexVérifie Checks whether a string matches the format defined by a regular expression. The different substrings that make up the format can be retrieved. The specification used for regular expressions is ECMAScript. New in version SaaS TXT_Résultat is string
sChaîne is string = "28/03/2003"
sFormatDate is string = "([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)"
sJour is string
sMois is string
sAnnée is string
IF RegexMatch(sChaîne, sFormatDate, sJour, sMois, sAnnée) THEN
TXT_Résultat = "Jours: " + sJour
TXT_Résultat += CR + "Mois: " + sMois
TXT_Résultat += CR + "Année: " + sAnnée
IF RegexMatch(SAI_IMMAT, "(?i)[A-Z]{2}[-][0-9]{3}[-][A-Z]{2}") THEN
MonEmail is string = "monemail@provider.com"
IF RegexMatch(MonEmail, "^((?!\.)[\w\-_.]*[^.])(@\w+)(\.\w+(\.\w+)?[^.\W])$") THEN
Trace("L'email est syntaxiquement correct.")
IF RegexMatch("MotDePasse$1", "^(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*\d)(?=.*[^\w\s]).{8,}$") THEN
Trace("Le mot de passe est fort.")
IF RegexMatch("1.618033", "[-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]*") THEN
Trace("La chaîne est un nombre entier ou décimal.")
IF RegexMatch("", "^(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$") THEN
Trace("La chaîne est une adresse IP.")
Checking a format and retrieving the elements that match the format Hide the details
<Result> = RegexMatch(<Element to check> , <Format> [, <Variable 1> [... [, <Variable N>]]])
<Result>: Boolean - True if the string matches the specified format,
- False if the string does not match the format.
<Element to check>: Character string Character string to check. <Format>: Character string Reference format. The specification used for regular expressions is ECMAScript. Note: You can use the string "(?i)" at the start of an expression to indicate that the check should be case-insensitive. <Variable 1>: Character string, Integer, etc. Variable that will be automatically initialized with the value that matches the first part of the <Format>. Each part is defined by the '(' and ')' characters. <Variable N>: Character string, Integer, etc. Variable that will be automatically initialized with the value that matches the Nth part of the <Format>. Each part is defined by the '(' and ')' characters.
Checking a format and retrieving the elements that match the format in an array Hide the details
<Result> = RegexMatch(<Element to check> , <Format> , <Array of strings>)
<Result>: Boolean - True if the string matches the specified format,
- False if the string does not match the format.
<Element to check>: Character string Character string to check. <Format>: Character string Reference format. The specification used for regular expressions is ECMAScript. Note: You can use the string "(?i)" at the start of an expression to indicate that the check should be case-insensitive. <Array of strings>: Array Name of the array to be populated. The different elements of the array will be automatically initialized with the values that match the different parts of the <Format>. Business / UI classification: Neutral code
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