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Stored procedures
<Source>.RetrieveRecord (Function)
In french: <Source>.RécupèreEnregistrement
ODBCNot available with this kind of connection
From version 26, this function is kept for backward compatibility. It is recommended to use <Source>.RecordToString.
Returns the content of the current record (in an HFSQL data file, view, query, ...).
Rec is string = Customer.RetrieveRecord()
// Retrieves the string containing the entire record
MyRecord is string = Customer.RetrieveRecord()
// Extracts the last name of the customer
CustomerLastName is string = MyRecord.ExtractString(1)
// Extracts the first name of the customer
CustomerFirstName is string = MyRecord.ExtractString(2)

Retrieving the content of a record for the specified file Hide the details

<Result> = <Source>.RetrieveRecord([<Item separator> [, <Array separator> [, <Format>]]])
<Result>: Character string
Value of the record, in the following format:
<Content of item 1> + <Item separator> + <Content of item 2> + ...
The contents of items are extracted according to the physical order of items in the data file. If the item corresponds to NULL, <Content of item> corresponds to an empty string ("").
Depending on the specified <Format>, this character string is in ANSI format (default) or Unicode format.
<Source>: Type corresponding to the specified source
Name of the data file (view or query) used.
<Item separator>: Optional character string
Character string used to separate the different items in <Result>. The default separator is TAB.
<Array separator>: Optional character string
Character string used to separate the values of array items (or sub-items) in <Result>. The default separator is TAB.
Caution: for backward compatibility wit WINDEV 5.5, the separators are not indicated when the array items are empty.
<Format>: Optional Integer constant
Format used to return the value of the record. By default, an ANSI format character string is returned. To get a Unicode format string, use the following constant:
hUnicode<Result> is a Unicode character string.
  • The content of Binary Memo items is not retrieved but the item separator is present (to avoid a shift).
  • The content of composite keys is not retrieved but the item separator is present (to avoid a shift).
Component: wd300hf.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 25
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Last update: 02/29/2024

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