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Stored procedures
Refreshes a TreeView control from a given position.
Remark: <TreeView>.Display can be used on:
  • a TreeView control based on a data file. In this case, the changes made to the linked data file are reflected in the TreeView control.
  • a TreeView control populated programmatically.
  • a single-selection or multi-selection TreeView control.
// Ajout d'un élément dans un fichier de données HFSQL
// Réinitialisation du champ Arbre
<TreeView control>.Display([<Position>])
<TreeView control>: Control name
Name of the TreeView control to be refreshed.
<Position>: Integer, character or constant (optional)
Indicates the start position for the refresh. If this parameter is not specified:
  • For a TreeView control based on a data file, the function behaves as if the taInit constant was passed as parameter.
  • For a TreeView Table control populated programmatically, the function has no effect.
This parameter can correspond to:
  • An integer. The refresh is performed from this position. The selected row is not modified.
    For a TreeView control based on a data file, the "Display a row" event for the <Position> row is executed. The current element in the TreeView control is the same as the current record in the data file.
    For a TreeView Table control populated programmatically, the <Position> row is re-displayed.
  • A character or a constant:
    TreeView control with in-memory data sourceTreeView control populated programmatically
    • Re-displays the TreeView control.
    • The selected row is unchanged.
    • Re-displays the TreeView control.
    • The selected row is unchanged.
    • Re-runs the linked query if necessary.
    • Takes into account the records added, modified or deleted by other computers.
    • Selects the current record.
    • The scrollbar position is stored as long as the selection remains visible.
    • Runs the "Initialization" and "End of initialization" events of the control, then the "Select a row" event for the selected row (even if it is not modified).
    No effect.
    • Refreshes the TreeView control by setting the position at the beginning of the control.
    • The first row is selected. This row corresponds to the first record.
    No effect.
    • Runs the initialization code of the TreeView control (initialization code and end of initialization code).
    • Fills the TreeView control.
    • The first row of the TreeView control is selected. This row corresponds to the current record at the end of the initialization code of the TreeView control.
    No effect.
    • Re-runs the query linked to the TreeView control.
    • Refreshes the TreeView control by setting the position at the beginning of the control.
    • The first row of the TreeView control is selected. This row corresponds to the first record.
    Caution: Only the query linked to the TreeView control is run. If specific options have been specified with <Source>.ExecuteQuery (hModifyFile, for example), these options are ignored.
    No effect.
Business / UI classification: UI Code
Component: wd300obj.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 23
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Last update: 03/26/2024

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