CalculatedDefaultValue (Property) In french: ValeurParDéfautCalculée
From version 26, CalculatedDefaultItem is kept for backward compatibility. This property has been replaced with CalculatedDefaultValue.
The CalculatedDefaultValue property is used to: - Finding out the SQL expression defining the default value of an item. This item was defined in the data model editor or programmatically.
- Define the SQL expression that returns the default value of an item (item described through programming only).
AFile is File Description AnItem is Item Description AnItem.Name = "CmdDate" AnItem.Type = hItemDateTime AnItem.CalculatedDefaultValue = "SYSDATE" HDescribeItem(AFile, AnItem)
Finding out the SQL expression defining the default value of an item Hide the details
<Result> = <Data file>.<Item>.CalculatedDefaultValue
<Result>: Character string SQL expression defining the default value of the item. <Data file>: Name of data file Name of the data file used. <Item>: Item name Name of item used.
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