HListStopWord (Function) In french: HListeMotVide Returns the list of stop words used by a full-text index. // Retrieves all the words ignored by the full-text index let sListStopWords = HListStopWord(DataFile, MyFullTextIndex) // For each word FOR EACH STRING sStopWord OF sListStopWords SEPARATED BY TAB // Displays the stop word Trace(sStopWord) END
<Result> = HListStopWord(<Data file> , <Full-text index> [, <Path of the WDD file> [, <Password of the WDD file>]])
<Result>: Character string List of stop words defined for the specified full-text index in the specified data file. This list has the following format:
<Word 1> + TAB + <Word 2> + TAB + ... + TAB + <Word N> The different stop words are separated by a tabulation (TAB). These words will be ignored by the full-text index. Remarks: - The words can be written in uppercase if the full-text index is not sensitive to the case or without accented characters if the full-text index is not sensitive to the accented characters.
- The words whose length is less than the minimum length specified for the full-text index may not appear in this list.
<Data file>: Character string Name of the data file containing the full-text index. <Full-text index>: Character string Name of full-text index used. <Path of the WDD file>: Optional character string Full path of analysis (.WDD file) where the data file is described. If this parameter is not specified or if it is equal to an empty string (""), the data file is sought in the current analysis. <Password of the WDD file>: Optional character string Password defined for the analysis. If no password is defined, this parameter must be equal to an empty string ("").
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