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Stored procedures
Adds an itinerary onto a Map control.
// Displays a car itinerary between two specified addresses
MapAddItinerary(MAP_MapControl, ["Place de la Comédie, Montpellier", ...
"Avenue des Champs Elysées, Paris"], itineraryCar)
// Displays an itinerary corresponding to the list of specified geographical positions
posDeparture is geoPosition
posDeparture.Latitude = XXX
posDeparture.Longitude = XXX
posArrival is geoPosition
posArrival.Latitude = XXX
posArrival.Longitude = XXX
MapAddItinerary(MAP_MapControl, [posDeparture, posArrival])
// You also have the ability to use the following code:  
// arrPositions is array of geoPosition
// Add(arrPositions, posDeparture)
// Add(arrPositions, posArrival)
// MapAddItinerary(MAP_MapControl, arrPositions)
<Result> = MapAddItinerary(<Map control> , <Positions> [, <Mode> [, <Color> [, <Opacity> [, <Thickness>]]]])
<Result>: Character string
  • Identifier of added itinerary,
  • Empty string ("") if an error occurred. To get more details on the error, use ErrorInfo.
Universal Windows 10 AppiPhone/iPad This function is asynchronous: there is no way to find out whether an error was returned by the function.
<Map control>: Control name
Name of the Map control to be used. If this parameter corresponds to an empty string (""), the Map control to which the current event belongs will be used.
<Positions>: Array
Name of Array variable containing the different positions:
  • The first element corresponds to the departure point of itinerary.
  • The last element corresponds to the arrival point.
  • The other array elements represent the intermediate steps of itinerary. This array must contain at least two elements (departure position and arrival position). If you are using the default Google Map license, this array can contain up to 8 intermediate positions (steps). If you are using a "Google Maps API" license key, the number of intermediate positions is unlimited.
iPhone/iPad This array must contain two elements (departure position and arrival position). You cannot specify the different steps of the itinerary.
This array can be:
  • an array of character strings, describing the address corresponding to each itinerary position. For example: Avenue des Champs Elysée, Paris, France.
    Universal Windows 10 App Using a character string is not recommended with the mapping service of Bing Map. The positions can be inconsistent.
  • an array of Address variables, describing the address corresponding to each position of the itinerary.
  • an array of geoPosition variables, indicating the geographical position corresponding to each itinerary position.
  • an array of Marker variables, representing each itinerary position on the map (the markers will be automatically added to the Map control if not already added).
<Mode>: Optional Integer constant
Mode for calculating the itinerary. This parameter can take one of the following values:
(Default value)
The itinerary will be drawn taking into account the roads accessible to cars.
Characteristics of this mode:
  • This mode uses Google's geolocation mode. An Internet access is required.
  • You can rearrange the order of the stops get the best possible route.
itineraryCarNotOptimizedThe itinerary will be drawn taking into account the roads accessible to cars.
Characteristics of this mode:
  • This mode uses Google's geolocation mode. An Internet access is required.
  • The order of the stops will not be changed.
Universal Windows 10 App This constant is not available.
itineraryCyclistThe itinerary will be drawn by respecting the ways accessible to the bicycles. The itineraries for cyclists are not available in all the countries. See the documentation about the geo-localization service of Google for more details.
Characteristics of this mode:
  • This mode uses Google's geolocation mode. An Internet access is required.
  • You can rearrange the order of the stops get the best possible route.
iPhone/iPad This constant is not available.
itineraryManualThe itinerary will be drawn in a straight line between each specified position while ignoring the roads.
This mode is not necessarily using the geo-localization mode of Google. In this case, <Positions> must correspond to an array of geoPosition variables or to an array of Marker variables.
In this mode, the intermediate steps are taken into account according to the addition order in the array.
Universal Windows 10 App This constant is not available.
PHP Caution: If the browser used is Internet Explorer 4, the <Positions> parameter must necessarily correspond to an array of geoPosition variables.
itineraryPedestrianThe itinerary will be drawn by respecting the ways accessible to the pedestrians.
Characteristics of this mode:
  • This mode uses Google's geolocation mode. An Internet access is required.
  • You can rearrange the order of the stops get the best possible route.
iPhone/iPad This constant is not available.
<Color>: Optional integer
Color for drawing the itinerary. This color can correspond to:
<Opacity>: Optional integer
Percentage of opacity for drawing the itinerary.
  • 0: transparent drawing,
  • 100: no opacity. This parameter is set to 60 by default.
Universal Windows 10 App This parameter is not available.
<Thickness>: Optional integer
Thickness (in pixels) for drawing the itinerary. The thickness is set to 8 pixels by default.
Universal Windows 10 App This parameter is not available.
  • Using Google Maps: the "Directions" API must be enabled in your Google Maps key.
  • Caution: The order of intermediate steps can be automatically modified in order to display an optimized itinerary.
  • To customize the image of the itinerary markers, all you have to do is add the markers beforehand with MapAddMarker on the same itinerary positions.
  • To delete an itinerary from a map, use MapDeleteItinerary.
  • To delete all the itineraries from a map, use MapDeleteAll.
  • Caution: Creating itineraries between two distant positions may trigger the storage in memory of several points for drawing the itinerary (especially for the cyclist and pedestrian itineraries). Therefore, we advise you to limit the number of itineraries simultaneously displayed on the Map control.
  • WINDEV To manage specific features regarding the management of itineraries, use MapExecuteJS.
  • Universal Windows 10 App The Map control uses the Bing Map service.
    Caution: The use of the Map control is subject to specific terms and conditions. A Bing key must be used (MapLicenseBing). Check the Bing license before deploying your applications.
Related Examples:
The Map control Unit examples (WEBDEV): The Map control
[ + ] This example explains how to use the Map control of WEBDEV.
It can be used to display a map that includes markers as well as an itinerary.
The Map control Unit examples (WINDEV): The Map control
[ + ] Using the Map control of WINDEV.
It is used to display a map that includes markers as well as an itinerary.
WM Sports Cross-platform examples (WINDEV Mobile): WM Sports
[ + ] This example is a sport application used to save your performances.
The application calculates the distance, the time, the average speed and the number of calories spent according to the sport.
The run is displayed on a map control via markers and an itinerary.

The example also includes a server part used to synchronize the user data.
This webservice is available in the WEBDEV "WW_Sports" example.
Component: wd300obj.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 18
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Last update: 06/22/2023

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