Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Communication / Contact functions (Lotus Notes or Android/iPhone/iPad)
  • Adding contacts into a Lotus Notes session
  • Adding contacts into the list of contacts found on the Andoid device
ContactAdd (Example)
Adding contacts into a Lotus Notes session
Reports and Queries This example is used to add a contact into a Lotus Notes session. This example uses the mContact structure to perform this addition.
// Start a Lotus Notes session
SessionID is int
SessionID = EmailStartNotesSession("Password", "MarsServer", ...
"email/julia.nsf", "C:\Lotus Notes\")
// Initialize the variables of Contact structure
// Fill the variables for the new contact
mContact.Name = "Smith"
mContact.FirstName = "Adriana"
mContact.Email = ""
// Add the contact
IF ContactAdd(SessionID) = True THEN
Info("Contact added")
Error("Error during the addition", ErrorInfo())
Adding contacts into the list of contacts found on the Andoid device
Minimum version required
  • Version 11
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Last update: 05/26/2022

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