OrganizerBackgroundColor (Function) In french: AgendaCouleurFond Defines a background color for a time slot in an Organizer control. Warning: The background color changed is not that of the appointment, but that of the specified time slot..
New in version 2025
OrganizerBackgroundColor(AGD_MonAgenda, "20111012", "20111015", iLightRed)
OrganizerBackgroundColor(<Organizer control> , <Start of time period> , <End of time period> , <Color>)
<Organizer control>: Control name Name of the Organizer control to be used. This field may correspond to: - an Organizer control in a window,
- an Organizer control in a report.
<Start of time period>: Character string or DateTime variable Start date and time of time period to color. - If the date format is 00000000HHMMSS, all the days are affected.
- If the date format is YYYYMMDD, all the hours of the day are assigned..
<End of time period>: Character string or DateTime variable End date and time of time period to color. <Color>: entier Background color of time period. This color can correspond to:Note: If this parameter is set to -1 or the constant Transparent, the default background color is restored.. Remarks The granularity of time period using a specific background color is limited to the granularity of drawing. Business / UI classification: UI Code
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