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  • Operating mode for a multithread management
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Stored procedures
<Stack variable>.Pop (Function)
In french: <Variable Pile>.Dépile
Pops an element from a stack. The element found at the top of stack is deleted and returned in the specified variable.
New in version 2025
WEBDEV - Browser code This function is now available in browser code.
MyStack is Stack of int
// Push the values 1, 2 and 3
// Display the trace: 3, 2, 1
x is int
WHILE MyStack.Pop(x) = True

Retrieving the element at the top of stack Hide the details

<Result> = <Stack>.Pop([<Element>])
<Result>: Boolean
  • True if the element was unstacked,
  • False if the stack is empty.
<Stack>: Stack
Name of the Stack variable to be used.
<Element>: Type of elements handled by the stack, optional parameter
Name of variable into which the value of the popped element is returned. If this parameter is not specified, the element is popped but its value is not retrieved.
WEBDEV - Browser code This syntax is not available in browser code

Retrieving the element at the top of stack (multithread syntax) Hide the details

<Result> = <Stack>.Pop([<Element> [, <Options> [, <Wait>]]])
<Result>: Boolean
  • True if the element was unstacked,
  • False if the timeout is exceeded (<Timeout> parameter) or if AdditionCompleted becomes True.
<Stack>: Stack
Name of the Stack variable to be used.
<Element>: Type of elements handled by the stack, optional parameter
Name of variable into which the value of the popped element is returned. If this parameter is not specified, the element is popped but its value is not retrieved.
<Options>: Optional Integer constant
Option for stack management:
WaitIfEmptyWaits for an element to be added into the stack by another thread.
<Wait>: Optional integer
Maximum timeout expressed in hundredths of a second. This parameter can correspond to:
  • an integer corresponding to the number of hundredths of a second,
  • a Duration variable,
  • the duration in a readable format (e.g., 1 s or 10 ms).
This parameter corresponds to the Infinite constant by default (no maximum timeout).

Operating mode for a multithread management

If the stack is empty, <Stack variable>.Pop waits for an element to be added into the stack. The maximum timeout can be specified by the <Timeout> parameter.
The function returns True if an element has been popped from the stack. Otherwise, it returns False if the timeout has been reached or if the AdditionCompleted property is set to True.
NbPendingThread returns the number of pending threads.
The assignment of AdditionCompleted to True provokes the end of the timeout for all the pending threads. In this case, <Stack variable>.Pop returns False.
WEBDEV - Browser code Not available.
Component: wd300vm.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 23
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Last update: 10/22/2024

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