dImageToArray (Function) In french: dImageVersTableau Copies the RGB pixels of the image into a one-dimensional or two-dimensional array. The array of colors is cleared then it is filled with the integers representing the colors (24 bits) of the image.
arrLightness is array of * by * int  dImageToArray("c:\test.png", arrLightness, dComponentRed + dGrayScale)  dStartDrawing(IMG_NoName2) nx, ny are int FOR nx = 1 _TO_ ArrayInfo(arrLightness, tiNumberRows) FOR ny = 1 _TO_ ArrayInfo(arrLightness, tiNumberColumns) dPoint(nx-1, ny-1, arrLightness[nx][ny]) END END
Copying the pixels of an image file into an array Hide the details
dImageToArray(<Image file> , <Array> [, <Options>])
<Image file>: Character string Path of image file to use. <Array>: Array variable Name of the array of 24-bit color into which the pixels will be copied. This array can be a one-dimensional array or a two-dimensional array. For a two-dimensional array, the dimensions represent the X and Y axes of the image. <Options>: Optional Integer constant (or combination of constants) Options for calculating the array: | | dComponentBlue | The Blue component of image will be copied into the array. | dComponentGreen | The Green component of image will be copied into the array. | dComponentRed | The Red component of image will be copied into the array. | dComponentRGB | All image components will be copied into the array. | dGrayScale | The image in grayscale will be copied into the array. |
Copying the pixels of an image in memory into an array Hide the details
dImageToArray(<Image in memory> , <Array> [, <Options>])
<Image in memory>: Buffer or character string Byte string containing the image to use. This parameter can correspond to an image saved in memory (dSaveImageBMP, dSaveImageGIF, etc.). <Array>: Array variable Name of the array of 24-bit color into which the pixels will be copied. This array can be a one-dimensional array or a two-dimensional array. For a two-dimensional array, the dimensions represent the X and Y axes of the image. <Options>: Optional Integer constant (or combination of constants) Options for calculating the array: | | dComponentBlue | The Blue component of image will be copied into the array. | dComponentGreen | The Green component of image will be copied into the array. | dComponentRed | The Red component of image will be copied into the array. | dComponentRGB | All image components will be copied into the array. | dGrayScale | The image in grayscale will be copied into the array. |
Remarks - The alpha layer of the image is not returned by this function.
- Change of behavior in version 23: When converting a PDF file (i.e. a vector image) into an array of pixels, a conversion factor must be applied in order to transform a unit of the PDF into a pixel.
From version 23 onwards, the conversion factor has been optimized, which results in a reduction in the size of the image in pixels. To go back to the behavior of version 22 (non-optimized), you can use the following code (this code uses an Image variable to convert the PDF into the desired dimensions):
lCMyImageh is string = fCurrentDir() + ["\"] + "myfile.pdf" iiMage is Image = dLoadImage(lCMonImageh, imgConvert, 2479, 3504) bufImage is Buffer = dSaveImagePNG(iiMage, inMemory) lSourcePixelArray is array of * by * integers dImageToArray(bufImage, lSourcePixelArray, dComponentRGB + dGrayScale) Trace(ArrayInfo(lSourcePixelArray, tiNumberRows) + TAB + ... ArrayInfo(lSourcePixelArray, tiNumberColumns))
Business / UI classification: Neutral code
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