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Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Communication / FTP functions
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FTPProxy (Function)
In french: FTPProxy
Specifies whether the communication functions that use the FTP protocol must go through a proxy to run their requests.
This function is taken into account during the next call to a function that uses the FTP protocol.
Caution: This function applies to the FTP protocol only (and not to FTPIS/FTPES/SFTP).
// Defines the FTP proxy
FTPProxy(ftpProxyUserTogether, "test", 2121, "test", "test")
// Opens the connection
ConnectionID is int
ConnectionID = FTPConnect("", "test", "test", 21, True, 20)
IF ConnectionID = -1 THEN
FTPProxy(<Proxy Type> [, <Proxy address> [, <Proxy port> [, <Login> [, <Password>]]]])
<Proxy Type>: Integer constant
Type of the FTP proxy to use:
ftpProxyNoneAllows to cancel the use of the FTP proxy.
ftpProxyOpenFTP proxy requiring the "OPEN" command.
The following statements will be sent:
  • USER with the Proxy login
  • PASS with the Proxy password
  • OPEN in the following format: @<Address of FTP Server>:<Port of FTP Server>
  • USER with the FTP login
  • PASS with the FTP password
ftpProxySiteFTP proxy requiring the "SITE" command.
The following statements will be sent:
  • USER with the Proxy login
  • PASS with the Proxy password
  • SITE in the following format: @<Address of FTP Server>:<Port of FTP Server>
  • USER with the FTP login
  • PASS with the FTP password
ftpProxyUserSeparateFTP proxy requiring the "USER" command and the "PASS" command separately.
The following statements will be sent:
  • USER with the Proxy login
  • PASS with the Proxy password
  • USER in the following format: <FTP Login>@<Address of FTP Server>:<Port of FTP Server>
  • PASS with the FTP password
ftpProxyUserTogetherFTP proxy requiring the "USER" command with the user and the password.
The following statements will be sent:
  • USER in the following format: <Proxy Login>:<FTP Login>@<Address of FTP Server>:<Port of FTP Server>
  • PASS in the following format: <Proxy Password>:<FTP Password>
<Proxy address>: Optional character string
Address of the FTP proxy in the following format:
  • IP address in XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX format ( for example).
  • URL containing the server name ( for example). This syntax is recommended.
  • IP address returned by NetIPAddress.
<Proxy port>: Optional integer
Port number of the FTP proxy. This parameter is set to 21. if it is not specified
<Login>: Optional character string
Authentication beside the FTP proxy. No authentication is performed if this parameter corresponds to an empty string ("", default value).
<Password>: Optional character string
Password for authentication beside the proxy. This parameter is ignored if <Username> corresponds to an empty string ("").
Business / UI classification: Business Logic
Component: wd270com.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 16
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Last update: 05/26/2022

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