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  • Example 1: Describing a connection on SQL Server via Native Access
  • Example 2: Describing a connection on SQL Server via OLE DB
  • Example 3: Describing a connection on SQL Server via OLE DB
  • Example 4: Describing an Access connection
HOpenConnection (Example)
Example 1: Describing a connection on SQL Server via Native Access
WINDEVWEBDEV - Server codeReports and QueriesUser code (UMC)AjaxHFSQLHFSQL Client/ServerOLE DBNative Connectors (Native Accesses)
// Open an SQL Server connection
HOpenConnection("MyConnection", "User", "Password", ...
"Server_SQLServer", "dbo", hNativeAccessSQLServer, hOReadWrite)
// Open an SQL Server connection with Windows authentication
HOpenConnection("MyConnection", Null, Null, "Server_SQLServer", "dbo", ...
hNativeAccessSQLServer, hOReadWrite, "Trusted_Connection=YES")
Example 2: Describing a connection on SQL Server via OLE DB
WINDEVWEBDEV - Server codeReports and QueriesUser code (UMC)AjaxOLE DB
In this example, the company database is on Oracle. The programmer wants to run the test of his program on a SQL Server database.
In the analysis, an OLEDB connection was associated with the "Salaries" OLE DB table on Oracle.
The properties of this connection are:
  • datasource: Server_Oracle
  • user: smith
  • password: toto
  • provider: OraOLEDB.Oracle
The new connection to the SQL Server database will have the following parameters:
  • datasource: "Server_SQLServer"
  • database: "dbo"
  • user: ""
  • password: ""
  • provider: "SQLOLEDB"
Note: On SQL Server, you can define a database internal to the data source that the server is.
// Describe the new connection
HDescribeConnection("MyConnection", "", "", "Server_SQLServer", ...
 "dbo", hOledbSQLServer, hOReadWrite, "")
// Establish the new connection
// Specify that "Salaries" uses the new connection
HChangeConnection("Salaries", "MyConnection")
// Start browsing the "Salaries" table on SQL Server
// Closes the file: the connection used by the "Salaries" file
// was opened by HOpenConnection. It will not be closed
// when closing the Salaries file.
// Fast re-opening because the connection is still opened
// Close the connection
// Restore the use of connection on Oracle
HChangeConnection("Salaries", "")
// Open the "Salaries" table on Oracle
Example 3: Describing a connection on SQL Server via OLE DB
WINDEVWEBDEV - Server codeReports and QueriesWindowsUser code (UMC)AjaxOLE DB
The company database is on Oracle. The programmer wants to run the test of his program on an SQL Server database by using the ODBC access
Without modifying the analysis, you have the ability to change the connection used by the file.
Remark: "ODBCSQLServer" is an ODBC data source declared in the ODBC data sources of Windows
// Describe and open the new connection
HDescribeConnection("MyConnection", "", "", "Server_SQLServer", ...
"dbo", hODBC, hOReadWrite, "")
// Specify that "Salaries" uses the new connection
HChangeConnection("Salaries", "MyConnection")
// Start looping through the "Salaries" table on SQLServer
// Close the connection
// Restore the use of connection on Oracle
HChangeConnection("Salaries", "")
// Open the "Salaries" table on Oracle
Example 4: Describing an Access connection
WINDEVWEBDEV - Server codeReports and QueriesWindowsUser code (UMC)AjaxOLE DB
This example is used to establish a connection to the database of signatures by using the OLE DB Access 2000 access.
Signatures is Data Source
// Establish the connection to the database of signatures
IF NOT HDescribeConnection("ConnectionSignatures", "", "", "Signatures.mdb", "", ...
hOledbAccess2000, hOReadWrite) THEN
IF NOT HOpenConnection("ConnectionSignatures") THEN
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 05/26/2022

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