Help / WLanguage / Managing databases / HFSQL / HFSQL functions
  • Example: Creating several filters and enabling one filter after the other
HDeactivateFilter (Example)
Example: Creating several filters and enabling one filter after the other
Two filters are created: a filter on the age of the customer and a filter on the postal code. The filters are enabled and disabled according to the processes run.
// Definition of the different filters
HFilter(Customer, AGE_Customer, 50, 75)
HFilter(Customer, PostalCode, 34000, 34000)
// Enables the filter on the age
HActivateFilter(Customer, AGE_Customer)
HReadFirst(Customer, AGE_Customer)
WHILE HOut() = False
// Procedure for sending a standard fax to customers
SendFax(50, 75)
HReadNext(Customer, AGE_Customer)
// Disables the filter on the age
HDeactivateFilter(Customer, AGE_Customer)
// Sets the filter on the postal code
HActivateFilter(Customer, PostalCode)
HReadFirst(Customer, PostalCode)
WHILE HOut() = False
HReadNext(Customer, PostalCode)
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 05/26/2022

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