Version: 2024

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25 results for: us.png
This help page presents the different methods that can be used to populate a Table control programmatically....
The Map control is using the Google Maps API library. The Map control displays data coming from the Google Maps service....
Populates an Email variable using the content of its Source property or the different variables of the email structure using the content of the Email.Source variable.
This help page presents the different methods that can be used to set focus to a window control....
Sends an email using SMTP
Ends a program that is using WINDEV.
Sends an email using the Outlook protocol.
Creates a socket using a Bluetooth device.
Opens a document using the appropriate editor
To use the Push notifications in Android, you must have a Google account and you must perform a specific configuration......
The remote accesses are used to create a temporary network connection......
Returns the text of license for using the Google libraries.
Allows you to start the site when using the user groupware.
Formats a character string using an InputMask variable.
Variables are copied using the "=" operator...
Sends an email using the Lotus Notes protocol.
Connects a user to an application that is using the User Groupware.
The scanner functions are as follows:...
Lists the files shared by a device that is using the OBEX protocol.