Version: 2024

Category: SaaS functions
67 results
The SaaS functions are as follows:
Adds a SaaS client account.
Adds a SaaS pricing.
Adds a SaaS service into the description of a site.
Adds a SaaS site.
Adds a subscription to a pricing of a SaaS site for a client account.
Adds a SaaS user.
Returns the connection to the database of a client account for a SaaS site.
Configures the currency used in the connection reports of the SaaS system.
Configures the management of data for a SaaS site.
Configures the SMTP session associated with the administrator account of a SaaS session.
Connects and authenticates the administrator of the SaaS Webservice.
Creates the database of a client account for a SaaS site.
Deletes a SaaS client account.
Deletes a SaaS pricing.
Deletes a SaaS service.
Deletes a SaaS site.
Deletes a SaaS subscription.
Deletes a SaaS user.
Ends the management session of a SaaS database.
Finds a SaaS client account.
Finds a SaaS pricing.
Finds the description of a SaaS service.
Find a site in the database of SaaS Webservice.
Finds a SaaS subscription.
Finds a user of a SaaS client account.
Indicates whether a SaaS management session was opened.
Lists the client accounts of SaaS Webservice database.
Lists the SaaS subscriptions of a client account.
Lists the pricing of a SaaS site.
Lists the SaaS services associated with a SaaS site, a pricing or a user.
Lists the SaaS sites declared in the database of a WEBDEV SaaS Webservice.
Lists the SaaS subscriptions associated with a site or pricing.
Lists the users of the SaaS Webservice database.
Returns the list of visits to a SaaS site.
Modifies a SaaS client account.
Modifies the connection to the client database for a SaaS site.
Modifies a SaaS pricing.
Modifies a SaaS service.
Modifies a SaaS site.
Modifies a SaaS subscription.
Modifies a SaaS user.
Disables a service in a SaaS pricing.
Enables a service in a SaaS pricing.
Reads a site parameter that was saved by SaaSAdminWriteSiteParameter.
Returns the connection to the common database or to the reference database of the SaaS site.
Assigns a subscriber license to a SaaS user.
Cancels a subscription license for a SaaS user.
Saves an information specific to the client.
Changes the password of the connected user.
Checks the access rights of the user to a service of the SaaS site.
The saasClient type is used to define the advanced characteristics of a SaaS client account.
Returns the characteristics of the connection to the client database.
Authenticates a user of a SaaS site beside the SaaS webservice that manages the site.
Returns the user currently connected via SaaSConnect.
Disconnect the user of a SaaS site beside the SaaS web service that manages the site.
Defines whether the connection to the SaaS web service is still established.
The saasPricing type is used to define the advanced characteristics of a SaaS pricing.
Reads an information specific to the client for the current SaaS site.
Sends the security code to the users so that they can change their passwords.
The saasService type is used to define the advanced characteristics of a SaaS service.
The saasSite type is used to define the advanced characteristics of a SaaS WEBDEV site.
The saasSubscription type is used to define the advanced characteristics regarding the subscription of a SaaS client account to a pricing.
The saasUser type is used to define the advanced characteristics of a user of SaaS site.
The saasVisit is used to find out all the characteristics of a SaaS user's visit.
Saves a specific information for a SaaS site in the configuration of a client account.