Version: 2024

Converts a numeric value (integer, real or currency) to a string according to a specified format.
WEBDEV Tutorial - Creating a website with back office processes Lesson 4 - Adding a product - 50...
WINDEV allows you to generate a Java application without even knowing the Java language...
The Control Centers in WINDEV, WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile provide project managers with several tools to manage a development project including...
The HFSQL Control Center allows you to fully manage HFSQL Client/Server databases...
The Spreadsheet control includes multiple Automatic Application Features (AAF) in order to simplify the use of the control...
The wizard for window creation proposes several types of windows associated with HFSQL data files...
The "Export" pane in the report viewer allows you to perform the following operations...
This help page presents the specific features regarding the programming of Native xBase/FoxPro Access...
Finds out whether two Geometry s are spatially equal, i.e. whether the first Geometry is included in the second, and whether the second is included in the first.
Specifies the HTTP code that will be returned at the end of the execution of the REST web service function.
Determines whether an Geometry A contains an Geometry B.
The Google Maps service is an Internet mapping software proposed by Google...
The code history is used to...
To increase security against worms and viruses, Windows Vista/7 implemented the UAC (User Account Control) mechanism.
From version 25, you can create "project portfolios"...
WINDEV includes several Automatic Application Features (AAFs)...
A flexible modeling includes different elements linked together...
The project contributors can manage their tasks directly from the schedule or from the task list...
List of functions for managing emails
Modifies the rights granted on an a data file HFSQL Client/Server item for a user or group.
Modifies the rights granted on an a data file HFSQL Client/Server item for a user or group.
Project Management Hub: Management of projects (view, creation, ...)
The following functions are used to manage Word Processing controls:
Permet de savoir si les formes se chevauchent, c'est-à-dire si elles ont la même dimension et que leurs intérieurs ont une intersection non vide de la même dimension que les formes passées en paramètres, différente des deux paramètres. Il faut de plus que chaque forme ait au moins un point à l'intérieur de l'autre.
"Dynamic serving" is a technique where the same address (URL) leads to 2 different pages...
Vérifie si deux formes ont une intersection non vide. Cette fonction ne renvoie pas la forme résultant de l'intersection, mais seulement si l'intersection existe ou non. Elle est donc beaucoup plus rapide que la fonction de calcul d'intersection entre deux formes.
The different options of the WINDEV, WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile editors are presented via a ribbon...
When installing a WEBDEV site on a Windows server, the details regarding the site are automatically inserted into the registry, at the following entry...
The Project Management Hub is used to define spools of requests...
Returns the Geometry Receiver corresponding to the union between two Geometry s.
Permet de savoir si tout point de la forme B se trouve à l'intérieur ou dans le contour de la forme A. C'est équivalent à renvoyer vrai s'il n'existe aucun point de B dans l'extérieur de A.
Permet de savoir si tout point de la forme A se trouve à l'intérieur ou dans le contour de la forme B. C'est équivalent à renvoyer vrai s'il n'existe aucun point de A dans l'extérieur de B.
WDMap is a tool used to view and handle a data file while developing an application...
The numeric edit controls propose several AAFs (Automatic Application Features):
  • a context menu proposing the "Calculator" option.
  • the ability to modify the control value with the mouse wheel.
The queries are used to easily select the records coming from one or more files, matching one or more selection criteria, ...
Calculate the symmetrical difference between two geometries.
Do you have an active Internet connection on your development computer? You can automatically download the different editor updates (WINDEV, WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile) thanks to "Automatic update"...
Remarks and specific features of Native Progress Connector...
List of functions for managing arrays
The stored procedures and the triggers are debugged from the environment, with real execution on the server...
When creating and developing the different elements of a project (window, query, report, project, ...
The following files are automatically created when logging an HFSQL Classic data file...
The User Groupware in automatic mode offers many possibilities...
The code coverage is the measure regarding the coverage of tests run on an application or site...
To make the result of a query easier to read, the records can be sorted according to one or more items...
Spreadsheet controls include an automatic context menu that allows users to perform different actions on the data displayed in the control...
List of various WEBDEV functions
Pivot Table controls include an automatic context menu that allows users to perform different actions on the data displayed in the control...
The User Macro-Codes are sections of WLanguage code allowing the end user to customize his application...
WINDEV gives you the ability to create a simplified socket server...
The management of a SaaS site is used to modify the three main characteristics of the site...
The FaxCompleteStatus structure is automatically filled during the call to FaxStatus...
To create a new flexible modeling, you can...
The following functions are used to manage Word Processing controls:
For a multilingual application, you have the ability to...
Calcule la distance entre deux formes. Pour les formes autres que les points, cette distance correspond à la distance entre les points les plus proches que l'on puisse trouver entre les deux formes.
Pour les formes 2D, calcule la distance en utilisant la norme euclidienne (Pythagore). La distance est renvoyée dans la même unité que celle donnée aux coordonnées des points.
Pour les formes géographiques, utilise le modèle approché de la Terre WGS84 pour prendre en compte sa courbure. La distance est renvoyée en mètres.
Transforming WINDEV applications into Mobile is very easy...
A frame is a packet ot data that flows through the network...
List of functions for managing the User Groupware
The history of setup versions is an advanced feature of the network setup...
Renvoie vrai si les deux formes se touchent.
Deux formes se touchent si les contours des deux formes ont une intersection, mais que les intérieurs n'ont *pas* d'intersection. Deux formes se touchent si elles ont un point ou un segment de leurs contours en commun.
Voir les images ci-dessous pour un exemple de chacune des trois situations.
Frequently asked questions about the update search mechanism.
The following paragraphs explain...
Switch controls (also called "Toggle controls") are now commonly used in interfaces...
A sprint or iteration is a development cycle...
Rich text supports multiple advanced features: font, weight, size, color, attribute, ...
Specifies the HTTP code that will be returned to the client after the server code of the page is executed.
The Ad control is used to monetize an Android application by displaying an ad banner that generates incomes according to the number of clicks performed by the application users.
The Real Time Performance Profiler (RTPP) is a tool that helps you identify what is slowing down your application...
The MDI windows must respect some constraints specific to the MDI applications...
The analysis is generated before the programming cycle and after describing the data files...
To optimize the style of your pages, WEBDEV allows you to use a background image in your pages...
WINDEV and WINDEV Mobile include 5 types of buttons...
Each Gantt Chart control in a window has a default menu that is available to users...
WINDEV, WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile support up to 64 languages in the same project...
WINDEV Mobile includes several standard Apple buttons...
The Repositionable Note control allows you to include the famous yellow sticker in your applications...
The "Internal Page" control is used to include a page (and its code) in a control of another page...
When creating a page, a validity period can be defined for this page...
WINDEV, WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile include several methods for accessing the help system at any time...
An internal component is a set of elements from a project...
WEBDEV proposes two types of sliders...
When a DDE function fails (returns False for example), ErrorInfo allows you to find out the number of the corresponding error]...
The CtCursorOptions property gets the cursor type used when connecting to an external database.
The different editors in WINDEV, WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile include many options that can be used directly via keyboard shortcuts...
It is possible to manage and grant certain access rights to the developers for each element in the SCM...
Projects are often cross-platform...
Calculates the perimeter of a given Geometry (Polygon or multiPolygon).
To describe a project in detail, you can associate documents with it...
SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) is the standard protocol for managing the network devices...
GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) will replace "Data Protection Directive" on 25th May 2018...
A site generated in PHP can be debugged in standard WEBDEV mode...
The following paragraphs explain...
The HFSQL Control Center allows you to fully manage an analysis...
The TransparencyMode property gets and sets the transparency mode of an image.
The remote HFSQL administrator proposes a full management of the HFSQL Client/Server databases...
WDConver is a tool used to convert data to an HFSQL Classic data file from...
Draws Markdown text in an Image control.
Two methods can be used to animate a Static control...
Table/Looper controls can be used to display a set of information...
The main operations that can be performed on a CDM are as follows...
WDMap is used to find out whether an HFSQL data file must be reindexed and reindex an HFSQL data file...
The SaaS subscriptions are used to make a SaaS site available to a client account...
The management of users allows you to find out from the server...
Calculate the area of a given Geometry.
The Source Code Manager allows you to easily work in offline mode...
Deletes an "IP address/Domain name" pair from a DNS server.
Allows you to obtain a corrected version of the specified Geometry.
Determines if a data source has been initialized.
Creating a replication with ReplicEdit allows you to specify several parameters...
The WEBDEV Image Editor control includes many features, accessible via several ribbons at the top and bottom of the control...
The impact analysis immediately identifies the consequences of the latest changes...
The table below presents the different modules installed by the WEBDEV Application Server and their main features...
List of automated tests: Emulation functions
WDSQL is used to run all the SQL queries created by WDSQL...
Running the test from the WEBDEV administrator (WDAdmin) is used to check ...
Any program developed with WINDEV, WEBDEV or WINDEV Mobile can easily access...
You can use check models to easily create checks...
New features in WINDEV/WEBDEV/WINDEV Mobile 28 presented in the New Features brochure.
The WINDEV windows not having the same format in WINDEV Mobile, WINDEV Mobile gives you the ability to import a WINDEV window into a WINDEV Mobile project...
Sends a query to a DNS server.
Serialize an Geometry in Well Known Text (WKT) format.
The home automation via power-line carrier (X10) has now become reality...
The query editor allows you to easily handle the queries.
An Active WEBDEV Page is a dynamic WEBDEV page without persistent context on the server.
Pyramid charts allow you to view data in descending order...
It is necessary to compile the help to create a file based on the information entered in the help editor...
The characteristics of a help page are used to define...
A HFSQL application can operate in network mode or in Client/Server mode...
To use WEBDEV, a Web server must to be found on the computer where WEBDEV is installed...
If your application uses the assisted universal replication via a file...
Once the Universal Windows 10 app is generated, the wizard proposes to select the deployment platform...
List of constants used by the J2EE functions.
Generation modes
A group of controls is a set of controls grouped together in order for their characteristics (their visible status for example) to be modified (or checked) in a single operation by programming...
Index keywords allow users to easily find a help page...
A report can be very wide, with a width exceeding the width of a paper sheet...
The home window of WINDEV, WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile allows you to manage the pinned projects when opening an existing project...
After its execution in test mode (see Running the query test), the result of the query can be...
Variables can be declared anywhere in the code.
List of constants used by the DotNet functions.
The Wire control is used to visually link 2 controls...
Determines if a data source has been initialized.
Determines if a query has been executed.
WINDEV Mobile allows you to develop Android applications. To run the test of these applications on an Android phone, some operations must be performed ...
The remote management tool is used to manage the backups of your dynamic WEBDEV sites.
To better analyze the content of the sites, the search engine of Google is using an XML file named "Sitemap" (if it is available)...
It is increasingly common for developers to test websites on mobile devices...
In a flexbox container, you can define ratios for the different controls so that they take up a given amount of space...
From the server, the "Users" tab of WDADMINEXE allows you to get...
Determines if a query has been executed.
End users can directly modify the interface of the application (according to the options specified by the developer)....
The docFormatting type is used to define the formatting characteristics of an element in a Word Processing document.
To develop Universal Windows 10 App applications with WINDEV or WINDEV Mobile, you must...
In the status bar description window, you can specify the options that will appear in each cell of the status bar...
In a flexible modeling, the "Application", "Process" and "Choice" elements can be used to enter in a "sub-modeling"...
Modern UIs generally use larger windows and larger fonts in the different controls...
WEBDEV proposes two modes for moving controls in a page...
The controls can be copied from the window editor...
The following paragraphs explain...
One of the most common applications of the multi-touch feature is used to handle images...
The remote HFSQL administrator is a WEBDEV site installed with the WEBDEV application server and used to remotely manage the HFSQL Client/Server databases installed on the Web server...
The "Versions" tab of WDADMINEXE is used to manage from the server the versions installed on the client computers...
Encryption and compression functions
A replication includes one or more data files...
In RTF Edit controls, a formatting toolbar can now be automatically displayed when the control becomes editable...
WEBDEV allows you to handle an iFrame control by programming...
The query editor allows you to perform operations on the values of an item...
This page presents the main terms specific to WEBDEV used in the documentation...
To group information according the MERISE method, entities must be created...
Link functions are used to link the interface with the data files (and vice versa). These functions are as follows:
The following paragraphs explain...
WDReplic is a tool used to manage the replication of data between several computers that use the same application...
In a database, the email address of customers, suppliers, ...
In an analysis, the "Key" items are also used to manage the consistency of data (called referential integrity)...
Searches for all the parts of a string that match a specific format.
Builds a geographic Geometry from a textual representation in WKT format.
In WINDEV Mobile, you can create applications that adapt to all devices, by setting anchors on the controls...
When an automated test is created, this test is in "construction" by default...