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Help / Developing an application or website / SCM (Source Code Manager) / Managing branches
  • Overview
  • How to?
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Stored procedures
Any changes made in a branch can be retrieved in the main version of the application.
Remark: This operation is bidirectional. Changes in the main project can be applied to the branch, or vice versa. The project that is modified is always the open project. In the rest of this document, the example shows how the changes made in the branch are applied in the main project.
How to?
To get the changes made in a branch:
  1. Open the main version of the project.
  2. On the "SCM" tab, in the "Project" group, expand "Branches" and select "Retrieve changes from a branch". The wizard for retrieving changes starts.
  3. Select the branch containing the changes to be applied.
  4. Go to the next step.
  5. Indicate how you want to retrieve changes from the branch:
    • The branch must be fully merged: in this case, all changes made in the branch will be taken into account.
    • Retrieve only certain changes made in the branch. In this case, you can choose the changes you want to retrieve.
  6. Go to the next step.
  7. Select the source of the changes to be retrieved:
    • Changes since last merge:
      Only the changes made since the last merge are available.
      In this case, the list of elements to compare and propagate is displayed. You can choose the desired action: Propagate / Don't propagate.
      Remark: Click "Detect identical elements" to keep only the elements with differences.
    • New in version 2024
      Revision changes (cherry-pick):
      Only changes made in selected revisions are proposed..
      In this case, the list of deferrable revisions is displayed..
      • The use of a label or comment is essential to find the right revision.. Multiple revisions can be selected.
      • This method is particularly well suited to the delivery of patches on a stable version..
      • This method is recommended for postponing small modifications.
    • Changes made to tasks or incidents:
      In this case, specify the identifiers of the tasks and incidents with changes to be propagated.
    • Changes since the creation of the branch: All changes made in the branch are suggested. In this case, the list of elements to compare and propagate is displayed. You can choose the desired action: Propagate / Don't propagate.
      Remark: Click "Detect identical elements" to keep only the elements with differences.
    • By simply comparing two projects:
      Projects are compared.
  8. Some elements can be checked-out from the repository, if needed. Validate this check-out.
  9. Go to the next step.
  10. If necessary, the wizard opens a conflict resolution window.
    • When modifying the code of the same element, you have the ability to perform a "finer" code merge (you may have to simultaneously retrieve lines of code from both versions). Clicking the "Code differences" link opens a specific "Merge code differences" window. This window displays the code from the current version ("Current project"), from the branch ("Changes to propragate") and the merge result in the center.
    • In cases without conflicting code, simply click in the column of the desired version to report the change.
    • The "Complete view (show all the differences with source)" option shows the differences with the original version.
    For more details, see Window for merging differences.
  11. Finish the wizard.
Caution: Elements that have been checked out for editing are not automatically checked back in. Don't forget to check these elements back in.
Minimum version required
  • Version 11
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Last update: 04/30/2024

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